Cancer Support
We meet in person to share the impact of this disease on survivors and caretakers alike. We meet on the fourth Sunday of every month. Regulars receive a zoom link by email from the coordinator. For more information contact us.
An unrestricted forum to discuss current topics of interest. For more information contact us.
Lunch Ministry
We meet in neighborhood restaurants after Sunday service to get to know visitors and members better. For more information contact us.
Circle of Women
Circle of Women meets twice a month. The on-line group meets the first Friday of each month at 10:00. The link for connection is provided in a reminder sent out before the meeting. The in-person meeting is the third Friday of the month at 10:00 in UUMAN's Sanctuary. Both meetings provide an opportunity to discuss topics of interest and to develop relationships. Women of all ages are encouraged to participate in one or both meetings.
Game Night
Game Night meets the first Saturday each month. People usually end up playing 2 or 3 games and staying for 3-4 hours. It's okay to come late or leave early -- some people have as much fun watching games as playing. What kind of games? Well, we've never played a Hasbro or Parker Brothers game, so not Monopoly or Candyland. They're newer games that are less about pure luck and don't eliminate players (actually or effectively)..
Men’s Group
We meet in a neighborhood restaurant every last Monday of the month to deepen our connections. For more information contact us.
Care Circles
Members belong to neighborhood groups based on their geographic location. We meet frequently to share a meal, provide assistance when in need and to deepen our friendships. For more information contact us.
Painting Class
For aficionados of painting and art. We meet on Wednesday nights. Fee applies. For more information contact us.
Coffee House
The Common Grounds Coffee House meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month in the UUMAN Sanctuary. For more information click on Contact us.
Play Group
Playgroup is a place for our youth to come together during service to play. It is not RE, there is no curriculum. Only play! We meet in Discovery Hall. For the time being, nursery aged kids join the group. For more information contact us.